As a photographer I often think about the old film cameras. It's always been a goal of mine to shoot with one, some day, and develop my own film in a dark room.
Pictures were so real back then and you truly had to develop your eye for the correct light and composition.
I have always been a fan of authenticity and true artistic ability.
I fine myself not giving into the normalizing of photo shop and other tools, turning reality into something very far from the truth.
When I have models ask me to really air brush them and make them look a certain way, I politely smile and simply say you look beautiful.
Our world could use a little more confidence in the beauty of what is, instead of quickly turning things into a false AI reality.
When I see ads that have AI generated models, I wonder why people are drawn to them.
They are very slender with features that even a Victoria Secret super model doesn't have, almost an inhuman form.
Let's spread the love of our human imperfections, for we bring a true beauty to the world, one that AI cannot come close to.